Wednesday, September 29, 2010

England or Bust

So it’s 3 days and counting down until I leave my comfy parental nest in Boise, ID for a rather rainy and uncertain fate abroad. Alright, perhaps that’s a little dramatic, but this being the first entry of my blog I feel as though I’ve got to set some sort of bar.

The actual drama began around 8 AM this morning with a call from the MSU study abroad advisor demanding, in a frantic tone, my current receiving address. You see, it so happens that I’m still without the appropriate documents needed to pass through immigration and gain access to England. Which is somewhat of a crisis…when one is leaving the country within a matter of days. I guess there was a mix-up with a certain Lancaster advisors who was supposed to resend one of the documents a few weeks earlier. And honestly to tell the rest of the story would be to admit my role in the disposal of said original document, as well as my inability to become organized in a timely manner (though I can assure you my wardrobe will be immaculately organized and adorable).

In any case, between the shock of a wake-up call at the ungodly hour of 8 AM, and worst-case scenarios flashing before my eyes, I managed to get the appropriate information to the appropriate people so they can ship my precious documents overnight. Still, with all this taken care of, there is no guarantee that they’ll arrive before my plane touches of at 3 o’clock on Friday. But all I can do in the meantime is think positive, chip away at the never-ending process of packing, and stop trying to figure out whether or not England being ahead a day-and-a-half creates any advantage for my situation (the time change thing will continue to be an insurmountably large concept for me to grasp. I apologize in advance to for any and all poorly timed phone calls on my part).

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