Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Almost there!

I was hoping to write another entry before departing, something including my feelings of excitement/nervousness/anticipation about the trip ahead. But last minute preparations like gathering documents, preparing travel snacks, and trying to cram all of my stuff into two tiny suitcases, prevented that from happening. So I am writing to you now from the Starbucks lounge in the Amsterdam airport.

To fill you in, my immigration documents from Lancaster University arrived THURSDAY morning…huge relief. The giant yellow truck arrived in our driveway around 11am, and I rushed to the door to greet the delivery man, fully clad in pajamas and still showing signs of bed hair. What a sight. But I hardly cared, I’d be allowed into England now!
The rest of the day Mom and I spent around town gathering last minute items, and once Dad got home we cooked a delicious send-off meal of steak, potatoes, and green bean casserole, yum!...which I proceeded to eat wayyy too much of and follow with copious amounts of alcohol….I felt great this morning.

But despite stomach pains, slight nausea, and running on only 5 hours of sleep—the packing got done (thanks Mom), the goodbyes were said, and I made it all the way to Europe! Only to be sitting in a Starbucks and writing this to you, haha. The saddest part is that it’s still 4 am Shelby time, and with exchange rates the way they are an already over-priced cup of coffee now costs twice as much. $9 for a chai latte? I think not. I may be jet-lagged but I’m not insane.

I guess that’s all the updates for now, next I’ll be writing from Lancaster!

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